danihao123 posted @ 2018年3月19日 17:04 in 题解 with tags SPOJ 后缀自动机 , 904 阅读





#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <queue>
#include <unordered_set>
const int maxn = 100005;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const int maxno = maxn << 1;
struct Node {
  Node *fa; int len; int ans[12];
  Node *ch[26];
  Node *lc, *rb;
Node pool[maxno];
Node *rt, *last;
Node *cnt;
void init_pool() {
  rt = last = cnt = pool;
  rt -> fa = NULL; rt -> len = 0;
  rt -> ans[0] = 0;
  // memset(rt -> ans, 0, sizeof(rt -> ans));
Node *alloc_node(int len = 0, Node *fa = NULL) {
  Node *ret = ++ cnt;
  ret -> len = len; ret -> fa = fa;
  // memset(ret -> ans, 0, sizeof(ret -> ans));
  ret -> ans[0] = len;
  return ret;

int idx(char c) {
  return c - 'a';
void insert(char cc) {
  int c = idx(cc);
  Node *np = alloc_node(last -> len + 1);
  Node *p = last;
  while(p != NULL && p -> ch[c] == NULL) {
    p -> ch[c] = np;
    p = p -> fa;
  if(!p) {
    np -> fa = rt;
  } else {
    Node *q = p -> ch[c];
    if(q -> len == p -> len + 1) {
      np -> fa = q;
    } else {
      Node *nq = alloc_node(p -> len + 1, q -> fa);
      memcpy(nq -> ch, q -> ch, sizeof(q -> ch));
      q -> fa = np -> fa = nq;
      while(p != NULL && p -> ch[c] == q) {
        p -> ch[c] = nq;
        p = p -> fa;
  last = np;
void dfs(int id, Node *u) {
  for(Node *c = u -> lc; c; c = c -> rb) {
    dfs(id, c);
    u -> ans[id] = std::max(u -> ans[id], c -> ans[id]);
void run(int id, char *S) {
  int n = strlen(S);
  Node *u = rt;
  int len = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
    int c = idx(S[i]);
    if(u -> ch[c]) {
      len ++; u = u -> ch[c];
    } else {
      Node *p = u;
      while(p != NULL && p -> ch[c] == NULL) p = p -> fa;
      if(p == NULL) {
        len = 0; u = rt;
      } else {
        len = p -> len + 1; u = p -> ch[c];
    u -> ans[id] = std::max(u -> ans[id], len);
  dfs(id, rt);
int tot = 0;
int dfs_2(Node *u) {
  int ans = *std::min_element(u -> ans, u -> ans + tot + 1);
  for(Node *c = u -> lc; c; c = c -> rb) {
    ans = std::max(ans, dfs_2(c));
  return ans;

int main() {
  static char buf[maxn];
  scanf("%s", buf);
  int n = strlen(buf);
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
  for(int i = 1; i <= (cnt - pool); i ++) {
    Node *u = pool + i;
    Node *f = u -> fa;
    u -> rb = f -> lc;
    f -> lc = u;
  while(scanf("%s", buf) == 1) {
#ifdef LOCAL
    if(buf[0] == '-') break;
    run(++ tot, buf);
    // memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
  printf("%d\n", dfs_2(rt));
  return 0;
NSE holidays 说:
Aug 04, 2022 01:49:12 AM

National Stock Exchange has got some specific timing, during which the trading will be scheduled and later there will not be an official trading session processed. There will be no trading possessed during the Saturday and Sunday along with some National Holidays declared by the Indian Government, and if anyone is trading, then they must be aware of these NSE holiday list. NSE holidays National Stock Exchange is open from Monday to Friday during the business hours to operate share market trading.There will be no trading possessed during the Saturday and Sunday along with some National Holidays declared by the Indian Government, and if anyone is trading, then they must be aware of these NSE holiday list.

CGBSE Model Paper Cl 说:
Sep 09, 2022 07:03:41 PM

Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education, Raipur Board subject experts and other private school teaching staff have designed and suggested the CG Board 8th Class Model Paper 2023 with sample answers Set wide as SET-A, SET-B, SET-C and SET-D to know the new exam scheme or question pattern. CGBSE Model Paper Class 8 Every Secondary Level 8th Grade Student of the state can download the CGBSE STD-8 Question Paper 2023 Pdf along with the class teacher suggesting all lesson or chapter’s most important questions and practice with revisions and Mock Test for All Languages and Subjects to score top marks in all exams held in Term1 & Term2.

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